WineList 【 F-008_87 】

Ch.マルゴー 1987



Medoc Grand Cru

シャトー・マルゴー  マルゴー・赤

Chateau Margaux. 1987 Margaux A.C.

産地 : ボルドー、マルゴー村
格付け : マルゴーAC
生産者 : Ch.マルゴー元詰
ブドウ品種 : カベルネソーヴィニォン82%、メルロ 8%、プチ・ヴェルド 7%、カベルネ・フラン 3%(植栽割合)
新樽使用率 : 
アルコール度 : 13.0%
容量 : 750ml
タイプ : 赤ワイン。フルボディ
入荷 : 2009年2月中旬入荷
インポーター : フィラディス。USAからのインポート品です。




Chateau Margaux 1987
The greatest terroirs always show through when conditions are at their worst. Chateau Margaux 1987 displays a lot of finesse and aromatic complexity. It probably lacks the fatness and opulence of a great vintage, but the distinction and breed of a great wine are in evidence. It is now reaching its peak and we can start drinking it, but there is no rush. (January 2007)
Le temps
The weather was unsettled for the whole year. Hot weather and dry conditions never really set in, except for a ten-day spell in September, when it was very hot. The harvest began relatively late in difficult conditions with frequent rain showers. Fortunately, the weather was cold, which prevented any rot from developing. (The picking began 5th October)
